Students in Samarinda Are Surprised to Bring Narcotics Narcotics Sabu-sabu

Jurnal Fakta. Starting from routine patrols carried out by Sat Sabhara Polresta Samarinda, the police secured students suspected of using narcotics.

The arrest was carried out on Sunday (12/16/2018) last night on the road to Anang Hasyim, Samarinda Ulu.

At that time the officers found a group of teenagers who were gathering, because the signs of the teenager were suspicious, the officers then conducted a search, as well as examination.

The result, found one type of methamphetamine drug, as well as measuring spoons and matches. In addition, two-wheeled vehicles belonging to one of the teenagers were also secured.

There were two perpetrators secured, including Ahmat Sabaruddin (27) and VY (16) whose status was still students, both of whom were residents of the Tenggarong Seberang District, Kutai Kartanegara.

The sabu itself was obtained by officers when conducting a search on the vehicle of the perpetrator, when the officers got methamphetamine on the dasboard motorbike.

The findings, both as well as evidence were immediately taken to the Samarinda Police Station, Slamet Riyadi road for further examination.

"This is a surrender from Sat Sabhara which when conducting patrols found a number of teenagers suspected of committing criminal acts of drug abuse," said the Samarinda Police Satreskoba Investigation Unit, Iptu Teguh Wibowo, Monday (12/17/2018).

Iptu Teguh hopes that the role of parents in supervising their children must be more tightened in order not to fall into negative actions.

"Parental supervision must be done more, and we also hope that the active role of the community in participating in narcotics eradication, at least reports to officers if there are transactions or drug users," he explained.


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