Detachment 88 Arrests Suspected Terrorists in Makassar

Channel Rakyat. Detachment 88 arrested suspected terrorists in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Suspected terrorists who were arrested are currently undergoing an examination at the South Sulawesi Regional Police.

"That is Densus 88. I am cooperating in terms of placement here. Examination and detention are still in the Regional Police. Work of the Detachment is backed up by the Regional Police," said South Sulawesi Regional Police Chief Inspector Umar Saptono in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Tuesday (18/12 / 2108).

Umar said the arrests carried out were a form of prevention. But Umar did not want to explain in detail the number of suspected terrorists arrested by the Detachment 88 team.

"It is still in the Regional Police, so we are persuasive. Because the new law is prevention. So it does not explode first and then react. Now, there are indications there, we prevent it," he added.

Meanwhile, based on information, there are 2 suspected terrorists in circulation. Those who were arrested on December 14 then had the initials AN and IK. Both are suspected of being terrorist network groups from Risal or Abu Khanza, Ade Supriadi, and Munawir, who were arrested in August 2018 in Makassar City.


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